
Tumor Knee Prosthesis- LDK Proximal Tibia Tumor Knee

Tumor Knee Prosthesis- LDK Proximal Tibia Tumor Knee

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Proximal Tibia Tumor Knee

1-Qhov no prosthesis yog qhia rau cov pob txha tsis xws luag vim qog nqaij hlav, comminuted puas los yog lwm yam laj thawj ntawm lub hauv caug sib koom.
2-Lub hauv caug prosthesis muaj flexion thiab rotation functions thiaj li yuav txo tau lub rotational kev nyuaj siab ntawm broaches thiab tsis txhob prosthesis loosening.
3-Secure fixation yog tiav ntawm cov khoom siv prosthesis los ntawm kev siv lub tshuab kaw ntom ntom ntom ntom ntom ntom.
4-Lub distal broach ntawm lub prosthesis yog muab nyob rau hauv ntau yam qauv, xws li nkhaus kov thiab ncaj kov, muab qhov zoo xaiv rau tus kws phais.
5-Raws li qhov xav tau ntawm cov kws kho mob, cov khoom siv tuaj yeem sib sau ua ke rau hauv ntau yam khoom sib koom ua ke nrog rau cov femur distal, tibia proximal, femorotibial joint thiab tag nrho femur.

Main Technical Parameters ntawm Medullary Stem Extension (XR D02) (Unit: mm)

Image Khoom qauv Diameter Length
 wps_doc_5 51409-01 10 90
51409 ib-02 11 100
51409 ib-03 12 110
51409 ib-04 13 120
5 1505-07 11 180
5 1505-08 12 180
5 1505-09 13 180
5 1505-010 ib 14 180
5 1505-011 11 150
5 1505-012 12 120
5 1505-013 13 120

Main Technical Parameters ntawm Femoral Condylar (XR A302) (Unit: mm)

Image Khoom qauv Specification Transverse Diameter AP Txoj kab uas hla
 wps_doc_4 51401-1 1#L 60 54
51401-2 : kuv 2#L 65 56
51401-3 : kuv 3 #L 70 59
51401-4 : kuv 1#R 60 54
51401-5 : kuv 2 #R 65 56
51401-6 : kuv 3#R 70 59

Main Technical Parameters ntawm Universal Ncej (XR F01) (Unit: mm)

Image Khoom qauv Specification Transverse Diameter
 wps_doc_2 51404-51 : kuv 51 51
51404-61 : kuv 61 61

Main Technical Parameters of Ncej Pin (XR G02) (Unit: mm)

Image Khoom qauv Specification Transverse Diameter
 wps_doc_2 51407-52 : kuv 52 52
51407-64 : kuv 64 64

Main Technical Parameters ntawm Tibial Insert (Modular) (XR C301) (Unit: mm)

Image Khoom qauv Specification Transverse Diameter AP Txoj kab uas hla
 wps_doc_0 51401-1-11 ib 1#11 hli 55 42
51401-1-13 1#13 hli 55 42
51401-1-16 1#16 hli 55 42
51401-2-11 : kuv 2 #11mm 60 44
51401-2-13 : kuv 2 #13mm 60 44
51401-2-16 2 #16mm 60 44
51401-3-11 ib 3 #11mm 65 46
51401-3-13 : kuv 3 #13mm 65 46
51401-3-16 3 #16mm 65 46
51401-4-11 ib 4 #11mm 70 48
51401-4-13 : kuv 4 #13mm 70 48
51401-4-16 4 #16mm 70 48

Main Technical Parameters ntawm Tibial Tais (XR B302) (Unit: mm)

Image Khoom qauv Specification Transverse Diameter AP Txoj kab uas hla
 wps_doc_7 51502-1 1# 55 42
51502-2 : kuv 2# 60 44
51502-3 : kuv 3# 65 46
51506-1 1# 55 42
51506-2 2# 60 44
51506-3 3# 65 46

Main Technical Parameters of Extension Segment of Diaphysis (XR M01) (Unit: mm)

Image Khoom qauv LQhov siab (mm)
 wps_doc_6 51504-030 Nws 30
51504-040 Nws 40
51504-050 Nws 50
51504-060 Nws 60
51504-070 Nws 70
51504-080 Nws 80
51504-100 : kuv 100
51504-120 : kuv 120
51504-140 : kuv 140
51504-160 : kuv 160
51504-180 : kuv 180
51504-200 : kuv 200

Main Technical Parameters ntawm Medullary Stem Extension (XR D01) (Unit: mm)

Image Khoom qauv Diameter Length
 wps_doc_5 51503-01 : kuv 9 110
5 1503-02 10 125
5 1503-03 11 120
5 1503-04 12 150
5 1503-05 13 150
5 1503-06 14 150
5 1503-07 11 150
5 1503-08 12 120

  • Yav dhau los:
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  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb